
What Might Happen If You Stop Eating Meat Altogether

What Might Happen If You Stop Eating Meat Altogether https://ift.tt/U8yimqR


What Might Happen If You Stop Eating Meat Altogether

People choose to become vegetarians for many reasons. Some do this for their own health, while others decide to stop eating meat for ethical reasons. Although a vegetarian diet certainly has a lot of benefits, giving up meat suddenly can lead to some unexpected and unpleasant side effects. Just like any drastic change in diet, going out of meat puts a lot of stress on your body, and may cause some withdrawal symptoms at first.

 we decided to dig into this question and find out the different ways your body might react if you suddenly stopped eating meat.

1. Your skin might break out.

  If you dream of having perfectly clean skin, then suddenly excluding meat from your diet can bring some unpleasant surprises. Red meat is rich in amino acids that are essential for collagen production, and not getting enough of these essential nutrients can make your skin look dull. Meat also contains zinc, and even if vegetarians eat enough beans and grains that are also rich in zinc, some of the compounds in them prevent the body from absorbing it. Not getting enough zinc can affect your skin in several ways, including causing acne.

2. You may feel the urge to snack more.

 Meat is one of the main sources of protein, and if it is suddenly taken out of your diet, your body may respond by going into survival mode. When you stop eating meat all of a sudden, you may find yourself filling up on every unhealthy snack you can get your hands on. Your body needs time to adjust to this sudden dietary change, and if you decide to become a vegetarian or vegan, keep some healthy snacks, such as nuts or fruits, on hand to avoid the temptation to grab a box of chips or pretzels.

3. You might experience more mood swings.

  When you embark on a new diet, even if it means good changes for your body, in the long run, you may go through a roller coaster at first. Everything you eat has a powerful impact on your stress level because the microbiome in your stomach releases neurotransmitters that communicate with your brain. Although this unpleasant side effect is temporary and will go away once your body adjusts to the changes, some new vegetarians and vegans may experience more anxiety than they used to.

4. You might notice more hair falling out.

 Although there are plenty of good plant sources of zinc, such as legumes, nuts, and seeds, protein helps the body absorb zinc, and vegetarians and vegans may be at risk of not getting enough of these essential nutrients. When you don't get enough zinc regularly, it can affect your hair and may lead to hair loss in the long run. If you are determined to stop eating meat, be sure to consume up to 50% more zinc than the recommended amounts.

5. Your stomach may hurt.

 While eating veggies will certainly make your gut happy, suddenly switching from eating a lot of meat to eating nothing at all can upset the unique makeup of bacteria in your stomach. When you change your diet drastically and start eating different foods than you are used to, it can cause stomach pain and indigestion at first.

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