The 5 Best Types Of Foods To Eat For A Major Boost To Your Gut Health
Your stomach is a huge part of your digestive system and is directly affected by the foods you eat. When she's not happy, you'll know for sure. With no bones to enjoy waking up feeling bloated, it's no surprise that "elegant foods for gut health" have been one of the most vociferous generalities in nutrition lately — in fact if you're not quite sure what "gut health" means.
Gut health is a very loose term, but when it comes to nutrition, it usually refers to the concept of a balanced gut microbiota, aka strains of bacteria that live in the gut,” explains Mary Matton, RD, of Culina Health. These bacteria are important to keep other systems in your body running easily. Part of the gut's job, Matton says, is to break down the threads and use them to produce compounds that help with effects like maintaining blood sugar, cholesterol and appetite.
It also makes sense that when these bacteria get out of control, you might see a cascade of goods through several systems in your body. “The balance of bacteria in the gut microbiota can affect everything from digestive health — bloating, gas, and stool — to internal health, may also be related to habitual complaints,” Matton says. She adds that an irregular gut microbiome may play a role in the development of gastrointestinal disease, similar to IBD, and may also promote irregular bowel movements, as well as nutritional illiberalism.
Fortunately, the easy way to support a healthy gut is through your diet. Then there are five types of foods that you should add to your diet to keep your gut happy.
1. Foods with Probiotics
There's a good enough chance that you've previously heard of probiotics, the "good bacteria" that help keep traces moving in your digestive system. These microorganisms play a huge role in the health of your gut, and one way you can be sure to maximize their benefits is to eat foods that contain probiotics, meaning foods that contain the same bacteria that are in your stomach as well.
The food that people generally associate with probiotics is yogurt, but there are plenty of other great sources out there. Just be sure to look for the expression "live and active communities" on the tag.
Then we show some examples of foods that are high in probiotics.
- Yogurt
- kefir
- sauerkraut
- kombucha
- miso
- tempeh
- Kimchi and other fermented products
2. Foods with Prebiotics
For probiotics, their companion in keeping your gut happy are prebiotics. Foods that contain prebiotics contain strands that promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut, Mattoon points out, and they help make sure the probiotics in the kombucha you drank are not sloughed off. The two work together to make sure the microorganisms in your gut live their elegant lives.
Foods rich in prebiotics are as follows.
- Jerusalem artichoke
- legumes
- oats
- asparagus
- dandelion greens
3. Synbiotic Foods
Synbiotic foods are linked to nutrition that combines probiotics and prebiotics in a way that gives probiotics the maximum chance of surviving the long digestive journey into the gut itself, according to the Journal of Food Science and Technology.. These foods provide the benefits of probiotics and prebiotics to your stomach at the same time, working out a really happy belly.
Try these duos to boost your gut health.
- Miso mist with asparagus or other legumes
- Yogurt with fruits and oats
- Lentil burger excels with kimchi
4. High-fiber Foods
There's a reason so many people swear by fiber to help them stay regular - it works. It helps keep the digestive system functioning properly, which may help with problems like bloating and constipation. Fiber also helps slow digestion, so you feel fuller for longer, which is a plus if you're trying to lose weight.
All three types of fiber — soluble, non-fermented, and fermented — help support your gut in different ways, so make sure you get your fiber from several sources.
You'll find fiber in many of the foods you're supposed to be eating, such as the following.
- chia
- bran
- peach
- brussels sprouts
- sap and lentils
- artichoke
- avocado
- berries
- seaweed
5. Anti-inflammatory Foods
Inflammation is a sign that your body is working hard to repair itself. But when it comes to your gut, the usual inflammation, which is caused by your body attacking its own healthy cells, can lead to conditions like digestive issues, IBS, and Crohn's disease. Fortunately, there are foods that can help calm inflammation and manage unwanted symptoms.
Add these anti-inflammatory foods to your plate to relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.
- Spinach and other leafy green vegetables
- salmon
- Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and turnip
- avocado
- Green tea
- olive cloth
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